sábado, 28 de maio de 2011

Doomwood Quests

Quests de /join LightGuard
Axe Quests.
Gone but not Forgotten: Mate x3 DoomWood Soldiers e clique em x5 Espadas iguais essa(você precisa ir para LightGuard e voltar para o mesmo lugar,ai vai aparecer novamente):
Recompensa: 200 de rep DoomWood.
Hole-y armor patching: Mate os DoomWoods Bonemunche,Soldier e Ectomancer em /join DoomWood.
Recompensa: 300 de rep DoomWood.
Palladinum Paladin Parts: Mate 2 monstros de /JOIN DoomWood,Clique nas 4 janelas que tiverem com algum tipo de brilho(se você clicar em 2 logo de uma vez vai bugar e você vai ser forçado a relogar,se quiser completar essa missão)e clique também nessa Fonte do lado desse cara,em /join lightguard:
Recompensa: 300 de rep DoomWood.
Ol’ Spice Quests.
Holy Wasabi: Que nem na quest Palladinum Paladin Parts,Só que você vai clicar na fonte que está do lado da De’ Gree(A Tiazinha da HAIR SHOP)em /join lightguard,e também vai precisar matar os monstros de /join DoomWood.
Recompensa: 100 de rep DoomWood e Holy Wasabi.
Light Yogurt Ingredients: Mate x5 Undead Soldiers e x5 Undead Treeant em /join DoomWood
Recompensa: 250 de rep DoomWood.
Brute Quests.
A Brutal Mistake: Clique nas placas douradas das estatuas de paladinos e mate qualquer undead em /join DoomWood.
Recompensa: 200 de rep DoomWood.
De’gre Quests.
No Light-Hearted Expression: Clique em 7 dessas setas espalhadas por /join Lightguard:
e mate x3 Undead Bonemuches em /join DoomWood.
Recompensa: 250 de rep DoomWood.
Lady Speedsyk Quests.
Sticking it to the Undead: Mate x5 DoomWood Soldiers e x5 DoomWood Treeant,Em /join DoomWood.
Recompensa: 200 de rep DoomWood.
Walking Wounded: Mate x10 DoomWood Ectomancers de /join DoomWood.
Recompensa: 300 de rep DoomWood.

Quests de /join DoomWood
Arryd Quests
Bony Battalion: x4 DoomWood soldiers,x4 DoomWood Bonemunche e x3 DoomWood Ectomancer em /join DoomWood.
Recompensa: 200 de rep DoomWood.
Warrior Rez-Queue: Clique nessas 5 soldados em /join DoomWood:
Recompensa: 300 de rep DoomWood.
Bone-tired Backup: Em /join DoomWood,Vai para um lugar onde tem um Paladin dourado,que nem do na quest acima,falando there too many , Mate uns 5 monstros que vierem aleatoriamente e ele vai se completar.
Recompensa: 400 de rep DoomWood.
Reconnaissence Route: Vá até onde o Undead Paladin Está,Ele está em /join DoomWood. (na 2 room,que tem 3 locais,vá para baixo e vá matando os monstros para passar de room,até chegar nele).
Recompensa: 500 de rep DoomWood.
Fight Against Shadowed Light: Mate x1 Undead Paladin em /join DoomWood.
Recompensa: 600 de rep DoomWood.
CamouFlage: Skelly-Style: Mate os monstros de /join DoomWood
Recompensa: 700 de rep DoomWood.
De(ad)ception: Depois que você completar a última quest,você vai ver um filminho muito massa do vordred,o matador de paladinos. Quando você acabar,só volte lá e o quest vai se completar.
Recompensa: 800 de rep DoomWood.


Entre para o clâ  Climacool ' vagas  Fassa um vidio vc solando um dos dragoens
Não serve o de j6

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

Citadel quests


Murray’s Revenge:

Essa é bem fácil, tem que matar Inquisitor Guards até conseguir 8 Guard’s Pauldrons. Depois, volte para Murry e termine a quest.


Crusaders Schmusaders:

Essa é… Um pouco mais difícil. Tem que matar Crusaders até conseguir 4 Crusader’s Gauntlets. Na maioria das vezes eles dropam 2 Gauntlets de uma vez, assim você só precisa matar eles 2 vezes. Graças à deus HEHE. Depois disso, volte para Murry, complete a quest.


Bad Captains:

Nessa você tem que acabar com 2 Inquisitor Captains, fácil. Consiga 2 Captain’s Insignias e volte para Murry. Termine a quest e seja feliz.


Which Witch is Which?

Essa é a quest mais fácil que eu já vi. Você tem que salvar as Burning Witchs, apenas atacá-las, simples… Consiga 8 Witch’s Gratitudes e volte para Murry, complete a quest.


Murray’s Hunch:

Essa é um pouco mais complicada. Você precisa matar 10 Inquisitors. Podem ser guards, captains, Crusaders… Qualquer um.
Até droparem 10 Mana Vacuums. Costuma ser bem demorado, se for feita sozinho. Consiga 10 Mana Vacuums e volte para Murry, complete a quest.


Magic Overload!

Finalmente, a última quest. Essa é a quest que vale a pena, e tem uma bela recompensa para mages e healers. Aliás, para todas as classes. Mas melhor mesmo para essas.
Essa quest é meio.. Complicadinha.
Você tem que matar bastante Inquisitors (De qualquer tipo. Guard, Captain, Crusader.) , até conseguir 5 Mana Amplifiers.
Mas agora você me diz: Complicada nada! É fácil!
Meh, às vezes sim, às vezes não. Depende de sua sorte.
Depois de conseguir 5 Mana Amplifiers, volte para Murry, complete a quest, aceite o prêmio, vá ao yulgar (/join yulgar), encante.

Numeros hair shop

Eu so sei esses 3

1-yulgar hair shop
19-sandsea hair shop
21-skyguard hair shop

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

Numero das quests aqw

Quest 1: First Quest
Quest 2: Chieftain's Head
Quest 3: Chipped Tooth
Quest 4: Hideous Tail
Quest 5: Funny Bone
Quest 6: Porkon's Pride
Quest 7: Zorbak's Reward
Quest 8: Secret Map
Quest 9: Farm Cleanup
Quest 10: Pet Food Delivery
Quest 11: Twilly's New Staff
Quest 12: Rubber Ducky
Quest 13: Rats off To ya!
Quest 14: Specialty Pizza
Quest 15: Defend the Gates
Quest 16: Undead Invasion
Quest 20: Robina's Quest
Quest 21: Missing Boxes
Quest 22: Backyard Zards
Quest 23: Garden Snails
Quest 24: Attic Spiders
Quest 25: The Bone?
Quest 26: Tempestuous Times
Quest 27: Willow Creek
Quest 28: Pirate's Treasure
Quest 29: Smells Fishy to Me
Quest 30: Salmagundi
Quest 31: Map Recovery
Quest 32: Defend the Rats
Quest 33: Rats in the Cradle
Quest 35: Short in Spoons
Quest 36: Short in Forks
Quest 37: Letter Interception
Quest 38: Not A Noob
Quest 39: Missing King
Quest 40: Take Down
Quest 41: Starving Pets
Quest 42: Picky Eaters
Quest 43: Missing Crate
Quest 44: Wilderness
Quest 45: Trobble Bath
Quest 46: Home Sick
Quest 47: Golden Shrooms
Quest 48: Blue Feathers
Quest 49: Flying Tails
Quest 50: Mixing Pot
Quest 51: Hungry for a Recipe
Quest 52: Missing Ingredient
Quest 53: Delicious Ingredient
Quest 54: Recipe Needed
Quest 57: Growing Plants
Quest 58: Storage Speyeders
Quest 59: Can you do it?
Quest 60: Something in the Water
Quest 61: Hair, Tooth and Bone
Quest 62: Ruined Plans
Quest 63: Bait and Switch
Quest 64: Restocking
Quest 65: Spear Sabotage
Quest 66: Retaliation
Quest 67: Camping Out
Quest 71: Unreadable Map
Quest 72: Fishing Bait
Quest 73: Darkness Rising
Quest 74: Flood of Power
Quest 75: Trainee
Quest 76: Endurance
Quest 77: Path of the Warrior
Quest 78: Mix it Up!
Quest 79: Shadow Skills
Quest 80: Evade and Counterstrike!
Quest 81: Essential Magics
Quest 82: Glimpse of the Dark Side
Quest 83: Undead Energy
Quest 84: Healer Knowledge
Quest 85: White Wizard
Quest 86: Protection
Quest 90: Ninja Grudge
Quest 91: Without a Trace
Quest 92: Hit Job
Quest 93: Chilling Costume
Quest 94: Candy Basket
Quest 95: Candy Craze
Quest 96: Chocolate Goodness
Quest 97: Lollipop Potion
Quest 98: Mystery Candy
Quest 99: Can't have enough
Quest 100: Stone Endurance
Quest 101: Heart of Stone
Quest 102: Fire Endurance
Quest 103: Burning Heart
Quest 104: Water Endurance
Quest 105: Liquid Soul
Quest 106: Dark Endurance
Quest 107: Heart of Darkness
Quest 109: Dragonbane
Quest 110: Dragon Scales
Quest 111: Dragon Souvenirs
Quest 112: Dragonslayer
Quest 113: Warrior Spirit
Quest 114: Mage Essence
Quest 115: Shadow Hour
Quest 116: Light Ways
Quest 117: Fighting Exercise
Quest 118: Tougher Monsters
Quest 120: Bejeweled Blade
Quest 121: Warrior Claymore Blade Enchant
Quest 122: Quadrolithium
Quest 123: Dam Balloons
Quest 124: Bumper Bolts
Quest 125: Mithril Man Batteries
Quest 126: ProtoSartorium Parts
Quest 129: Food Fighter Badge Quest
Quest 130: Scout the Cornycopia
Quest 131: Unboiling Water
Quest 132: The Corn has Ears
Quest 133: An Apple a Day
Quest 134: Whine n' Cheese
Quest 135: Fruit of the Loot
Quest 136: The Turdraken
Quest 139: Pain-Apple!
Quest 140: Squishy Squash!
Quest 141: Ice Cream!
Quest 142: Ring of Pain!
Quest 143: Cholesterious
Quest 144: Murray's Revenge
Quest 145: Crusaders Schmusaders
Quest 146: Bad Captains
Quest 147: Which Witch is Which?
Quest 148: Murray's Hunch
Quest 149: Magic Overload!
Quest 150: Magic Devouring Beast!
Quest 151: Grand Inquisitor's Surprise Visitor
Quest 152: Turn Frost Dragon into Dracolich!
Quest 153: Turn Dracolich into Dragon!
Quest 154: Piercing arrows!
Quest 155: Rescue Blizzy
Quest 156: Scary Snow Men
Quest 157: Moglin Popsicles
Quest 158: Crystal Spider
Quest 159: Fluffy Bears
Quest 160: Blue Eyed Beast
Quest 161: Trouble Makers
Quest 162: Bad Ice Cream
Quest 163: Greedy Sneevil
Quest 164: Shadow Figure
Quest 165: Dragonslayer Veteran
Quest 166: Dragonslayer Sergeant
Quest 167: Dragonslayer Captain
Quest 168: Dragonslayer Marshal
Quest 169: Dragonslayer Reward
Quest 170: Turn Red Dragon into Dracolich
Quest 171: Turn Dracolich into Red Dragon
Quest 172: Jars of Slime
Quest 173: Sneevil Boxes
Quest 174: Behind the bush?
Quest 175: Defeat Dogear
Quest 176: Undead Assault (Storyline)
Quest 177: Skull Crusher Mountain (Storyline)
Quest 178: The Undead Giant (Storyline)
Quest 179: Talk to the Knights (Storyline)
Quest 180: Defend the Throne Room (Storyline)
Quest 181: Summoning Complete
Quest 182: Grand Inquisitor's Penance
Quest 183: Enter the Gates
Quest 187: Fire Gem
Quest 194: Zhoom's Quest
Quest 195: ShadowFall Quest1
Quest 196: ShadowFall Quest2
Quest 198: Slimes on a bridge
Quest 199: Pirate Hat
Quest 200: Pirate Cutlass
Quest 201: Undead Pirate's Guitar
Quest 203: Holy Scuba Gear
Quest 204: Deep Diver Helmet
Quest 205: Braken Bass
Quest 206: Ghost Ship in a Bottle
Quest 207: Trident of Storms
Quest 208: Fishy Guitar
Quest 209: Fishbone Head
Quest 211: Rainbow Rats
Quest 212: Monochrome
Quest 213: Destroy the A.R.C
Quest 214: Frost that Lucky Harms!
Quest 215: Pot of Gold!
Quest 216: The Shoe's News
Quest 217: A Shoemaker's Work is Never Done
Quest 219: The Sabbatia
Quest 220: Grasses
Quest 221: The Spiders have changed...
Quest 223: Things that go Bump in the Night
Quest 224: Defend Town
Quest 225: Mega Defenders Medal
Quest 227: Stinging Dagger of Serpents
Quest 228: Royal Blade of Thorns
Quest 229: Staff of the Burning Abyss
Quest 230: Egg Hunt - Vorpal Bunny
Quest 231: Egg Hunt - Backpack
Quest 232: Dagger of Serpents!
Quest 233: Blade of Thorns
Quest 234: Berzerker Bunny Helm - Wooden Egg
Quest 235: Transforming Bunny Spear - Egg Shell
Quest 236: Bunny Berzerker Armor - Were Egg
Quest 237: Bunny on your Back - Quacked Egg
Quest 238: Monday... Bone Mace!
Quest 239: Tuesday... Broom of Doom!
Quest 240: Wednesday... Faerie Sai!
Quest 241: Thursday... Speargun!
Quest 242: Friday... Liquid Hot Magma Axe!
Quest 243: Saturday... Chakram Dagger!
Quest 244: Sunday... Sludge Sword!
Quest 245: Winged Spies
Quest 246: Chaos Prisoners
Quest 247: IMP-possible Task
Quest 248: Far Sighted
Quest 249: Slugfest
Quest 250: Chain Reaction
Quest 251: Epic Drops
Quest 252: Jarring Theft
Quest 253: DO LATER____Don't leave a faerie behind
Quest 254: DO LATER____Let them walk
Quest 255: Tree Hugger
Quest 256: The Second Piece
Quest 257: Ruined Ruins
Quest 258: Blueish Glow
Quest 259: Arm Yourself
Quest 260: You Can't Miss It!
Quest 261: Energize!
Quest 262: Quickdraw
Quest 263: You've Been Framed
Quest 264: Disguise!
Quest 265: To-Go Box
Quest 266: Some Assembly Required
Quest 267: Teleporter Report
Quest 268: Find the Key! (Part One)
Quest 269: Find the Key! (Part Two)
Quest 270: Find the Key! (Part Three)
Quest 271: The Lake Hydra
Quest 272: Escherion
Quest 273: Defender
Quest 274: Mega Defender
Quest 275: Savage Warlord Armor
Quest 276: Horc Hacker
Quest 277: Curve Bladed Polearm
Quest 281: Horc Mangler
Quest 282: Horc Claw
Quest 283: Steel Chopper
Quest 284: Pactagonal Armet
Quest 285: Cyclops Warlord Helm
Quest 286: Red Eye Staff
Quest 290: Undead Infantry Armor
Quest 291: Defender's Winged Armet
Quest 292: Pactagonal Defender's Crested Armet
Quest 293: Undead Trooper Guard
Quest 294: Infantry Helm
Quest 295: Dem Bones (Part 1)
Quest 296: Dem Bones (Part 2)
Quest 297: Save Chuckles!
Quest 298: Skull Key
Quest 299: Flux Collection
Quest 301: warm MILK!
Quest 303: Cup of Tea, please!
Quest 304: Music Box for the Sleepless
Quest 305: Wolves for hire
Quest 306: Blue Green Prints
Quest 307: Brick Head
Quest 309: Slimes to the West, slimes everywhere
Quest 310: Scaly Menace
Quest 311: Overgrown Spiders
Quest 313: Strange Gel
Quest 314: Terrifying Reptile
Quest 316: Landing Swords!
Quest 318: Hardly Suiting Armor
Quest 319: Adorable Sisters
Quest 320: Warm and Furry
Quest 321: Shell Shock
Quest 322: Bear Facts
Quest 323: Give Snowbeard His Gold
Quest 324: The Spittoon Saloon
Quest 325: Bear it all!
Quest 326: Leather Feathers
Quest 327: Follow your Nose!
Quest 328: Alarm a Llama!
Quest 329: Grizzly Situation
Quest 330: Berry Interesting
Quest 331: Squeeze Water from Stone
Quest 332: Carrion Carrying On
Quest 333: Bagged Lunches
Quest 334: Radiant Lamps
Quest 335: Having a Blast
Quest 336: Secret Weapons
Quest 337: Rock Star
Quest 338: All that glitters...
Quest 339: Gemeralds
Quest 341: Rock Me Amadeus
Quest 343: Upper City Gates
Quest 344: Bad Memory
Quest 347: Hoodwinked
Quest 350: The King's Wings
Quest 353: Mock the Lock
Quest 354: Like Butter
Quest 357: Big Bada-Boom
Quest 361: dwarf war Mega Defender Medals
Quest 364: Youthanize
Quest 368: Sea No Evil
Quest 373: Skele-tongue
Quest 378: Pirate Ship Defender
Quest 383: Pockey Challenge
Quest 393: Were are the Wolves
Quest 409: Epic Gear Solid: Snack Eater
Quest 410: Head Hunting
Quest 411: TestQuest
Quest 429: Turkey go Boom!
Quest 430: Cater To His Every Dish
Quest 455: Germ Boss
Quest 456: 'Twas the night before Frostval
Quest 459: Find Page 4
Quest 462: Talk to Tinsel
Quest 463: Circuit Breakers
Quest 464: Current Affairs
Quest 465: Not Finished Yet-i
Quest 466: Jinmenju Tree
Quest 467: Yokai Bandits
Quest 468: The Fiery Fiend
Quest 469: Dumpster Diving
Quest 470: Reduce, Respawn, Recycle
Quest 471: The Hunt for the Hag
Quest 472: Big Bad Yokai
Quest 473: Su-she
Quest 474: Kappa Cuisine
Quest 476: Hisssssy Fit
Quest 477: The Purrrfect Crime
Quest 478: The Face Off
Quest 479: Cat-aclysm
Quest 480: Who is the Greatest?
Quest 481: Defeat O-dokuro
Quest 482: Yokai Defender
Quest 483: Yokai Mega Defender
Quest 484: Defeat War Boss Yokai
Quest 485: Fearsome Forest Fabrics
Quest 486: Shadow Embargo
Quest 487: Three Water Chestnuts
Quest 488: Defeat Kitsune
Quest 489: Battle Under Battleon
Quest 490: Brace-r Yourself!
Quest 491: Inquisitor Inquiry
Quest 492: Slithering Shadows
Quest 493: Groundhorc's Day
Quest 494: A Grave Mission
Quest 495: Lending a Helping Hand
Quest 496: Bone Appetit
Quest 497: Batting Cage
Quest 498: His Bark is worse than his Blight
Quest 499: Missing Lion
Quest 500: Head of Lettuce
Quest 501: Bad Spirit Away
Quest 502: Lost Celebration Items
Quest 503: Small Red Envelope
Quest 504: Medium Red Envelope
Quest 505: Large Red Envelope
Quest 506: In The Mood
Quest 507: Hedge Trimming
Quest 508: Bear Hugs
Quest 509: Stoopid Kewpid
Quest 510: Paper Heart
Quest 511: Imp Ink
Quest 512: Heart Shaped Scale
Quest 513: Special Delivery
Quest 514: Lil’ Red
Quest 515: Can I axe you something?
Quest 516: A Dire Situation
Quest 517: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Quest 518: What a Lich!
Quest 519: Feeding Grounds
Quest 520: Going Batty
Quest 521: Lycan Knights
Quest 522: Twisted Paw
Quest 523: Canine Canines
Quest 524: Dog Gone Shame
Quest 525: Bite is worse than their Bark
Quest 526: A Wolf's Tale
Quest 527: A Twisted Mess
Quest 528: You clicked a button!
Quest 529: Sink Your Teeth In
Quest 530: Grounded Bats
Quest 531: Bats of a Leather Flock Together
Quest 532: Pain in the Neck
Quest 533: Sanguine’s Terrortory
Quest 534: A Gift Of Meat
Quest 535: No Respect
Quest 536: Vampire Knights
Quest 537: Sanguine
Quest 538: Golden Ticket
Quest 539: Golden Ticket Tier 1
Quest 540: Golden Ticket Tier 2
Quest 541: Golden Ticket Tier 3
Quest 542: Golden Ticket Tier 4
Quest 543: A-MAZE-ing Race
Quest 544: Vampire Defender
Quest 545: Lycan Defender
Quest 546: Vampire Mega Defender
Quest 547: Lycan Mega Defender
Quest 548: Purified Claymore
Quest 549: NOT A QUEST
Quest 550: Dogfight
Quest 551: Bone Roam
Quest 552: War Boss Fight
Quest 553: Miltonius is Kind
Quest 554: The Leery Contract
Quest 555: Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance
Quest 556: The Assistant
Quest 557: Swindle's Return Policy
Quest 558: Empowering Items
Quest 559: Iron Wing Helm Enchant
Quest 560: Iron Wing Helm Enchant
Quest 561: A Sample of Twilight
Quest 562: None Shall Remain!
Quest 563: Breaking Prawn
Quest 564: Search and Report
Quest 565: The Key is the Key!
Quest 566: Secret Words
Quest 567: Dracowerepyre
Quest 568: Bone Dust Reagent
Quest 569: Cube Reagent
Quest 570: Essence of Defeat Reagent
Quest 571: Impossible, Empowered Items of Miltonius
Quest 572: Hex of Miltonius
Quest 573: Blood of Miltonius
Quest 575: Fiend of Miltonius
Quest 576: Shadow of Miltonius
Quest 577: Hex: The Indecisive Minion
Quest 578: Blood: The Indecisive Minion
Quest 579: Fiend: The Indecisive Minion
Quest 580: Arcane Orb
Quest 581: Blood Orb
Quest 582: Primal Orb
Quest 583: Shadow Orb
Quest 584: Ordinary Cape
Quest 585: Cleansing of Spinal Tap
Quest 586: Cursing of Spinal Tap
Quest 587: Spinal Tap of Miltonius
Quest 588: Phoenix Blade of Miltonius
Quest 589: The Weapon Parasite
Quest 590: Oblivion Blade of Miltonius
Quest 591: Doom Worm Creepers
Quest 592: GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE...
Quest 593: Assistance of Miltonius
Quest 594: Peace, Love, and Rock Elemental
Quest 595: Gearheads, man!
Quest 596: Boogie On!
Quest 597: Wolfwing Good End
Quest 598: Wolfwing Evil End
Quest 599: The Dark Deal
Quest 600: Crag's Thirst
Quest 601: Voucher Item: Champion of Miltonius
Quest 602: Voucher Item: Twin Blade of Miltonius
Quest 603: Diamonds of Miltonius Sale
Quest 604: Drudgen the Assistant
Quest 605: Drudgen the Salesman
Quest 606: Purchase Sword of Miltonius
Quest 607: Archfiend Cloak
Quest 608: Fired & Re-Hired
Quest 609: Bamboozle vs Drudgen
Quest 610: The Marks
Quest 611: Werepyre Slayer Armor
Quest 612: Werepyre Slayer Helm
Quest 613: Werepyre Slayer Wings
Quest 614: Werepyre Slayer Sword
Quest 615: Potion Surplus
Quest 616: Lighting Scrolls of Lightning
Quest 617: XP Boost
Quest 618: Breaking Wind Turbines
Quest 619: Plant Matters
Quest 620: All Wet
Quest 621: Flame On
Quest 622: Chaos Footprint
Quest 623: Secret Item
Quest 624: Combat Style: Soulreaper of Miltonius
Quest 625: Combat Style: Taro's Manslayer
Quest 627: Combat Style: Champion of Miltonius
Quest 628: Combat Style: Betrayal Blade of Miltonius
Quest 629: Combat Style: Dragonbone Axe
Quest 631: Combat Style: Dread Saw of Miltonius
Quest 632: Combat Style: Tainted Claymore
Quest 633: Pet Shop Toys
Quest 634: HPbreaker
Quest 635: Seek and Destroy
Quest 636: Bad Reputation
Quest 637: Combat Style: Purified Claymore of Destiny
Quest 638: Fiend Face
Quest 639: Blood Guard
Quest 640: Hex Mask
Quest 641: Shadow Guard
Quest 642: Miltonius
Quest 643: Hidden Edge
Quest 644: Victims of Circumstance
Quest 645: The Four Hoarsemen
Quest 646: Crit ‘em with your best shot
Quest 647: REP Speedwagon
Quest 648: Stairway to Haven
Quest 652: Practice makes Perfect Bottle
Quest 654: Get me that Recipe!
Quest 655: Tip Out
Quest 656: Juice on the Loose
Quest 657: Bottle Trade
Quest 658: Staying Alive
Quest 659: Killer Queen
Quest 660: Satisfaction
Quest 661: Dance, Dance, Dance
Quest 662: Fiend Claws
Quest 663: Blood Blades
Quest 664: Hexing Staff
Quest 665: Piercing Shadow
Quest 666: Ungodly items of Miltonius
Quest 667: Tainted Claw
Quest 668: Purifed Claw
Quest 669: Void Knight Deal (Temporary Quest)
Quest 670: Blood Orb (Temporary Quest)
Quest 671: Arcane Orb (Temporary Quest)
Quest 672: Primal Orb (Temporary Quest)
Quest 673: Shadow Orb (Temporary Quest)
Quest 674: J6 Quiz Game
Quest 675: Bad Moon Rising
Quest 676: Burning Down The House
Quest 677: Superstition
Quest 678: Soul Man
Quest 679: Lend a Helping Handkerchief
Quest 680: Two Eyes
Quest 681: Beards Rule!
Quest 682: Fancied Feather
Quest 683: Requesting a Request
Quest 684: Watch Out!
Quest 685: Legendary Quest of Adventure
Quest 686: Classic Hack-n-Slash
Quest 687: Yeah, another quest
Quest 688: Insert Quest Title Here
Quest 689: Key of Life
Quest 690: Key of Dreams
Quest 691: Key of Thought
Quest 692: Key of the Void
Quest 693: Access Zephyrus
Quest 694: Zephyrus End
Quest 695: Birds on a Train
Quest 696: Ticklish Zorbo Pet
Quest 697: Ticklish Zorbo Sword
Quest 698: Mission1
Quest 699: Mission2
Quest 700: The Ring's The Thing
Quest 701: Optimus Slime
Quest 702: Ore Else...
Quest 703: The Softest Card
Quest 704: Boil it, mash it, put it in a stew...
Quest 705: Music Defender
Quest 706: Mega Music Defender
Quest 707: Mythsong War Cutscene
Quest 708: Unused Quest
Quest 709: Pony Gary Yellow
Quest 710: Kimberly
Quest 711: Turn out the lights.
Quest 712: Warm up? No, Warm Down.
Quest 713: This Is Key
Quest 714: I Love The Keys
Quest 715: Off Key
Quest 716: We're Going To Need A Bigger Key
Quest 718: Pain in the Grass
Quest 721: Skynner's List
Quest 722: A Mushy Situation
Quest 723: W-Tea F
Quest 724: A Skunkweed By Any Other Name...
Quest 725: There Is No Spoon
Quest 726: Totem of Miltonius
Quest 727: Blood Orb
Quest 728: Arcane Orb
Quest 729: Primal Orb
Quest 730: Shadow Orb
Quest 731: Void Knight Deal
Quest 732: Combat Style: Dual Betrayal Blade
Quest 733: Combat Style: Betrayal Blade of Miltonius
Quest 734: Combat Style: Dual Dread Saw
Quest 735: Combat Style: Dread Saw of Miltonius
Quest 736: Oblivion Blade of Miltonius
Quest 737: Spare Parts
Quest 738: 4 Trophy Prizes
Quest 739: 20 Trophy Prizes
Quest 740: 50 Trophy Prizes
Quest 741: 100 Trophy Prizes
Quest 742: 150 Trophy Prizes
Quest 743: Racer
Quest 744: Trophy Reward 5
Quest 745: Trophy Reward 7
Quest 746: Trophy Reward 10
Quest 747: Andre Defeated
Quest 748: Flea be Gone
Quest 749: Free the Key
Quest 750: Listen to George Lowe's story
Quest 751: Ladies First!
Quest 752: Slimy Boys
Quest 753: The Slime Masquerade
Quest 754: ONE OF THEM
Quest 755: Spilt Salt
Quest 756: Defeat the Giant Brain Slime Prime
Quest 757: The First 6 Chapters
Quest 758: The Last 6 Chapters
Quest 759: The Glossary
Quest 760: Cover Me
Quest 761: Dweam-Maze
Quest 762: Big Bad Kwueger Man
Quest 763: George Lowe-viathan
Quest 764: Super George Lowe-viathan
Quest 765: Twisted Items of Miltonius
Quest 766: Demanding Items of Miltonius
Quest 767: Warden Of Light Armor
Quest 768: Conqueror of Shadow Armor
Quest 769: Light Warden Helm
Quest 770: Shadow Conqueror Helm
Quest 771: Behemoth Blade of Light
Quest 772: Behemoth Blade of Shadow
Quest 773: Divine Retribution
Quest 774: Legendary Retribution
Quest 775: Infamous Revenge
Quest 776: Venomous Shadow Blade
Quest 777: Masculine Helm of Glory
Quest 778: Feminine Helm of Glory
Quest 779: Bearded Helm of Glory
Quest 780: The Armet of the Afterlife
Quest 781: Steel Afterlife
Quest 782: Bearded Armet of the Afterlife
Quest 783: Ultimate Victory Armet
Quest 784: Helm of Ultimate Victory
Quest 785: Basic War Sword
Quest 786: Roasted Marshmallow on a Stick
Quest 787: Nuked Mallow
Quest 788: Make a Marshmallow on a Stick
Quest 789: Undead Champion Initiation
Quest 790: Mourn the Soldiers
Quest 791: Understanding Undead Champions
Quest 792: Player vs Power
Quest 793: Hail to the King
Quest 794: A Necessary Sacrifice
Quest 795: Gorillaphant Poaching
Quest 796: Mustard and Pretzel Root
Quest 797: Thyme and a Half
Quest 798: Thistle Do Nicely
Quest 799: Pleased to Meat You
Quest 800: ArcanRobe
Quest 801: Ebony and Ivory Tusks
Quest 802: Experiment 107: Elder's Blood Potion
Quest 803: Experiment 231: Sparrow Blood Potion
Quest 804: Experiment 808: Viper's Blood Potion
Quest 805: Observing the Observatory
Quest 806: Ewa the Treekeeper
Quest 807: Bear Necessities of LifeRoot
Quest 808: Acorny Quest
Quest 809: Ravenloss
Quest 810: It's A Bough-t Time
Quest 811: Wendigo Whereabouts
Quest 812: Sprig Cleaning
Quest 813: Find Paddy Lump
Quest 814: Toothy Smiles
Quest 815: Slimy Cyrus
Quest 816: Lord Of The Fleas
Quest 817: Not The Best Idea
Quest 818: Gates and Guardians
Quest 819: Scales and Tails
Quest 820: Omnomnoms
Quest 821: Legion Exercise Number 1
Quest 822: Legion Exercise Number 2
Quest 823: Legion Exercise Number 3
Quest 824: Legion Exercise Number 4
Quest 825: Water You Waiting For--Find Nisse
Quest 826: Dive Right In
Quest 827: Seafood Diet
Quest 828: Mercenaries
Quest 829: Synchronized Slaying
Quest 830: The Deep End
Quest 831: Find Umbra, the Master Shaman
Quest 832: The Root of Elementals
Quest 833: Eupotamic Elementals
Quest 834: Breaking Wind Elementals
Quest 835: Fight Fire With Fire Salamanders
Quest 836: Guardian of the Gilead Wrap
Quest 837: Juggernaut Items of Miltonius
Quest 838: Find Felsic the Magma Golem
Quest 839: Liquid Hot Magma Maggots
Quest 840: Scorched Serpents
Quest 841: Playing With Living Fire
Quest 842: Kindling Relationship
Quest 843: Obey Your Thirst for Adventure
Quest 844: Captain Falcons
Quest 845: Big, Bad, and Baddest Bosses
Quest 846: The Great Mana Golem
Quest 847: Chaos Lord Ledgermayne
Quest 848: Feed Me
Quest 852: Help Control the Pet Population
Quest 853: Impress the Queen
Quest 854: A Gift of Silver
Quest 855: Crown of Blood
Quest 856: Ear-responsible
Quest 857: A Carton of Chaos
Quest 858: Free the Poultry
Quest 859: Defeat Nugget Man
Quest 860: Like a Literal Pack of Wolves
Quest 861: Thin the Ranks
Quest 862: Defeat Lieutenant Scarface
Quest 863: Locate the Lords of Order
Quest 864: Defeat Undead Artix
Quest 865: The Multiverse is Safe
Quest 866: A Timely Meating
Quest 867: Hire Mini Miltonius
Quest 868: Miltonius
Quest 869: Diamond Exchange
Quest 870: Contract Exchange
Quest 871: Investigate the Farmhouse
Quest 872: Children of Chaos
Quest 873: Where is that Barn Key?
Quest 874: Investigate the Barn
Quest 875: Malik-EYE is so Grounded
Quest 876: Clearing the Candy Corn Field
Quest 877: So Sick of EYE-Sac
Quest 878: She Who Walks Behind The Stalks
Quest 879: Candy Corn
Quest 880: Mogloween Defender
Quest 881: Mega Mogloween Defender
Quest 882: Skull Of A Lich!
Quest 883: Fiends in High Places
Quest 884: A Whirled Wide Traveler
Quest 885: Boiler Spoiler
Quest 886: This Fight Will Dragon
Quest 887: Things Are Looking Up
Quest 888: Don’t Get Mad, Get Gladius
Quest 889: Gel-Oh-No Box
Quest 890: Cyser-no!
Quest 891: Pink Balloon of Doom
Quest 892: The Hundred Foot Tall Twilly
Quest 893: Turtle Shells Pop Balloons
Quest 894: Make things Pop with a Sentry Bot
Quest 895: Web Browsing for Balloons
Quest 896: Complete Airheads
Quest 897: The Final Pilgrimage
Quest 898: Chasing After a Girl
Quest 899: Tracking Down Nythera
Quest 900: Searching for Splinters
Quest 901: A-Void-ing The Larva
Quest 902: Spawn Point
Quest 903: Null and Void Spheres
Quest 904: Enter the Great Void Dragon's Lair
Quest 905: Spirit Abducted
Quest 906: Shaking the Globes
Quest 907: A Demonstration
Quest 908: Hearts of Ice
Quest 909: Defeat Garaja
Quest 910: Springing Traps
Quest 911: Frost Lions
Quest 912: Onslaught Keyrings
Quest 913: Defeat Lionfang
Quest 914: Tinsel's Armor Gift
Quest 915: Tinsel's Helm Gift
Quest 916: Dissertations Bupers Camel
Quest 917: Crafty Creepers: A Favorite of Mine
Quest 918: Running a Stable Stable
Quest 919: Parched Pets
Quest 920: Vase Case
Quest 921: Oasis Ornaments
Quest 922: The Power of Pomade
Quest 923: Salon Quality Shampoo
Quest 924: What’s for Desert?
Quest 925: Porter-Inn Steaks
Quest 926: Delectable Desert Desserts
Quest 927: Oil Spills
Quest 928: The Scarab Sandwich
Quest 929: Lore Style Surf and Turf
Quest 930: Sandport and Starboard
Quest 931: Shark Diving
Quest 932: Thieving Cut Throats
Quest 933: Lost and Found
Quest 934: Sell-Sword Sell-Outs
Quest 935: The Portal Puzzle
Quest 936: Best Fiends Forever
Quest 937: Crystal Encores
Quest 938: Fishin' for Jellys
Quest 939: Soul Searching
Quest 940: Agree to help Ethan
Quest 941: Clues for the Clueless
Quest 942: Laundry Day
Quest 943: Strategy Guides are Key
Quest 944: Investigate the Storage Room
Quest 945: Inventory In Your Inventory
Quest 952: To Form a Platform
Quest 953: The Infamous Plumber
Quest 954: Crafting the Emblem of Longevity
Quest 955: The Black Tortoise's Spirit
Quest 956: Crafting the Emblem of Righteousness
Quest 957: The White Tiger's Spirit
Quest 958: Crafting the Emblem of Knowledge
Quest 959: The Red Bird's Spirit
Quest 960: Crafting the Emblem of Good Luck
Quest 961: The Blue Dragon's Spirit